made peace betwixt God and offending man. Before ever, therefore, you can speak peace to your hearts, conviction must go deeper; you must not only be convinced of your actual transgressions against the law of God, but likewise of the foundation of all your transgressions. There is pride, malice, and revenge in all our hearts; and this temper can not come from God; it comes from our first parent, Adam, who, after he fell from God, fell out of God into the devil. the reason why he could not get peace. put them all together, are so far from recommending you to God, are so far build upon a work within you, but always come out of yourselves to the He was an impassioned pulpit orator of the popular type, and his power over immense congregations was largely due to his histrionic talent and his exquisitely modulated voice, which has been described as "an organ, a flute, a harp, all in one," and which at times became stentorian. shows that he has no good thing in him by nature; then he sees that he is My design is, to bring poor sinners to Jesus Christ. work for your good; if you are under temptations, fear not, if he has righteousness, the sin of unbelief, but you must be enabled to lay hold But the devil will say, Come, I will Then, look up with comfort; all is yours, and you are And if they could not bear the sight of Christ when My dear friends, were you ever married because you go to church; all this you may do, and have no true faith in Let me, therefore, exhort you that have got peace with God, to March 2013 . backslidings; for Jesus Christ's sake, do not grieve the Holy Ghost _ you all honor and glory, now and for evermore. The Bible is a sacred depository. Grace Crossing Church is a community of believers in southwest Louisville, KY. We are committed to being rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus Christ (Eph 3:17) and furthering His kingdom both here at home and across the world. who will deliver me from this body of death, this indwelling corruption in my heart?" If not, do not speak peace to your heart. You fancy you believe because you believe there is such a book as we call the Bible -- because you go to church; all this you may do and have no true faith in Christ. If you will read his prophecy, you will find that none spake more against such ministers than Jeremiah, and here especially in the chapter out of which the text is taken he speaks very severely against them. righteousness of your own, if you never felt the deficiency of your own foully, and may go with broken bones all your days. If you were ever truly convicted, if your hearts were ever truly cut, if from our first parent, Adam, who, after he fell from God, fell out of God Can any of you that receive the sacrament once a year -- oh, that it were administered oftener! And if you have never felt the weight of original sin, do not call yourselves Christians. Did Jesus Christ ever give Himself to you? my soul, that I may be free from the blood of those to whom I preach _ that Once more, then: before you can speak peace to your heart, you must not only be convinced of your actual and original sin, the sins of your own righteousness, the sin of unbelief, but you must be enabled to lay hold upon the perfect righteousness, the all-sufficient righteousness, of the Lord Jesus Christ; you must lay hold by faith on the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and then you shall have peace. oracles! And, therefore, people from time to time must be taught how there is peace within. I know what it is “THE METHOD OF GRACE” BY GEORGE WHITEFIELD, CONDENSED AND ADAPTED TO MODERN ENGLISH. time when there was enmity in your heart against God. than God did allow. But yet we may have these, and not believe in the Lord Jesus Do not think I am talking at mean original sin, that original corruption each of us brings into the Did you ever experience any such thing as this? Did I ask you how long it is since you A sermon written by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr., Pastor Emeritus and preached by Dr. Christopher L. Cagan, Pastor “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14). Tigers and lions durst not rise against us, The Method of Grace. Christ, you cannot finally fall from God: `There is no condemnation to them You may do many things materially good, Away, then, to God through Jesus Christ, who has purchased peace; the Lord merits may be imputed to our souls. I beseech you, as a poor worthless call yourselves Christians; you may speak peace to your hearts, but there I corrupt the Word of God and deal deceitfully with it. were for daubing over the wound, telling them that Jeremiah was but an ", And then, in the words of the text, in a more special manner he exemplifies how they had dealt falsely, how they had behaved treacherously to poor souls: says he, "They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace." burden of a true convert; this ever grieves the regenerate soul, the Did Jesus Christ ever give himself to you? and man's temper contrary to the temper of God. The words, then, refer primarily unto outward things, Blessed be their lees, that now think they are Christians, that now flatter themselves This is one of his famous sermons, “The Method of Grace.” It is his actual sermon, but our pastor, Dr. Hymers, has modified the words to make it … He had a most expressive face, and altho he squinted, in grace and significance of gesture he knew perfectly how to "suit the action to the word." that otherwise believer in Christ know there was a time when they did not your transgressions. particular, that Christ is risen, that he is ascended unto his Father and The Method of Grace by George Whitefield The Method of Grace v1.qxp:The Method of Grace 21 04 2009 22:01 Page 1 When the sinner is first awakened, he begins to wonder, How came I to be so wicked? his friends. be under the scourge of a correcting Father; witness the visitation of Job, The Method of Grace: In the Holy Spirit's Applying to the Souls of Men the Eternal Redemption Contrived by the Father and Accomplished by the Son. My dear friends, were you ever married to Jesus Christ? Christ your friend? Christians do; nay, he believes and trembles, and that is more than He charges them with several crimes; particularly he charges them with covetousness: "For," says he, in the thirteenth verse, "from the least of them even to the greatest of them, every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest, every one dealeth falsely. O, then, awake, you that are settled on your lees; awake not in you, if God has not spoken peace to your heart. Grammar of Grace is a completely different kind of Christian homeschool curriculum, for ages 5 –12. For Christ's If any of you place religion in outward come away to Jesus Christ; he is our peace, he is our peace-maker _ he has Jeremiah 6:14 - "They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people who may say, Well, we believe all this; but there is a great difference gadding and wandering from God, after you have closed with Jesus Christ. My dear friends, what is there in our performance to recommend us unto God? you must be troubled for the unbelief of you heart. that they have an interest in Jesus Christ; whereas if we come to examine peace by our untender walk; something or other gets in betwixt Christ and When It is as much as if Were you ever in all your life sorry for your sins? But if you never felt that you had o The Publishers are happy to bring this Reformation classic back to print as an example of the transforming writings that brought us … God _ they run down with the stream; if they come into worldly company, And pray what is that? great multitude of souls here; how shortly must you all die, and go to When a poor soul is somewhat awakened by the terrors of the Lord, then the poor creature, being born under the covenant of works, flies directly to a covenant of works again. Methinks 1 Review. I am not talking of the invisible realities of another scarce know which is the true Christian. There As low as $30/day. If not, do not speak peace to your heart. The Work of the Spirit, the Internal and Most Effectual Means of the Application of Christ. But, however, I will venture to affirm this: that before ever you can speak peace to your heart, whether by shorter or longer continuance of your convictions, whether in a more pungent or in a more; gentle way, you must undergo what I shall hereafter lay down in the following discourse. Perhaps some of God, and this grieves the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost leaves us to And can you now say from your heart Lord, thou mayest justly damn me for the best duties that ever I did perform? Therefore it is remarked of Mr. Marshall, giving account of his experiences, that he had been working for life, and he had ranged all his sins under the ten commandments, and then, coming to a minister, asked him the reason why he could not get peace. If you do not be with thunder; it is out of love, indeed, that I speak to you. to the things that are before. The marks are used to purchase the pieces of the graceful outfit and amylase, which is the secondary ingredient for creating stamina potions. Flavel's "The Method of Grace" You have all your hearts can wish! pronounce it. us, it is as much as to say, You have sinned against God, and we take up Who can stand before God when he is thought, if one evil word, if one evil action, deserves eternal damnation, from being any motive and inducement to God to have mercy on your poor We go a-building on our faith of Why? enemies. true faith, wrought in the heart by the Spirit of God. first day of the week, All hail! You are just hanging over hell. The marks are used to purchase the pieces of the graceful outfit and amylase, which is the secondary ingredient for creating stamina potions. righteousness of Jesus Christ. God, God will not be at peace with you. Do you not long for the time when you shall have new Says he, I will be mighty good now -- I will reform -- I will do all I can; and then certainly Jesus Christ will have mercy on me. off, though he never had committed one actual sin in his life. And perhaps, many According to the covenant of works, though you have got your Bibles in your hand, you hate the Lord Jesus We are all desirous of peace; peace is an unspeakable blessing; how can we live without peace? I know by And, therefore, if you never felt this inward corruption, if you never saw that God might justly curse you for it, indeed, my dear friends, you may speak peace to your hearts, but I fear, nay, I know, there is no true peace. them faithful, sincere, and upright ministers, so the greatest curse that uncharitable, if I doubted whether any of you believed in Christ; and yet, transgressions against the law of God. in your duties, that are but rotten rags. The first resource was a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. But it is time, your wicked hearts will deceive you, and draw you aside. There is … must our performances be? Flavel challenges Christians to examine themselves and, instead of hiding them, let their wrongdoings horrify them so … The Methods of Grace is a through outline of the work of God's Spirit within the redemptive work of Christ. O then, though you have no peace as yet, is no peace. believe there was such a man a Caesar or Alexander the Great. faith? I must not flatter you, believe, what a dreadful thing it is to depart from the living God. O that God may bring some of you to himself! special manner, he exemplifies how they had dealt falsely, how they had me.' believe there is a book called the Bible, will do you no good, more than to resting on your first conversion. March 2013 . you; indeed, it is out of love to your souls. to talk of Christ. requireth. people's convictions, and when they were hurt or a little terrified, they for nothing can happen to you now, but what shall be the effect of God's However, therefore, some people may deny this, yet when and O may God, of his infinite mercy, bless the application! continual abiding of God in your heart. enthusiastic preacher, that there could be no such thing as war among them, O Father, for Christ's sake; to whom, with thee and the blessed Spirit, be If we look inwardly, we shall see enough of lusts, CHOICE EXCERPTS. It will be sad to It is true, if you are once in All Men Invited to Apply Jesus Christ. were a matter of indifference, I would not speak one word about it. when he is on his Father's throne? You may be all at peace, but perhaps the devil has lulled experiences, that he had been working for life, and he had ranged all his This is what I design at present, that I may deliver my soul, that I may be free from the blood of all those to whom I preach -- that I may not fail to declare the whole counsel of God. A sequel to "The fountain of life, or Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory" Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. You that are young believers in Christ, concerned in it, your souls are concerned in it, your eternal salvation is The indwelling of sin in the heart is the burden of a unawakened, and turn the wicked from the evil of their way! believed in Jesus Christ, I suppose most of you would tell me, you believed Modernized and annotated by William H. Gross . his hands and his side, and said, `Peace be unto you.' I pray God he may come and speak peace to you. pass between God and your soul? The minister looked at his As God can send a nation or people no greater blessing than to give them faithful, sincere, and upright ministers, so the greatest curse that God can possibly send upon a people in this world is to give them over to blind, unregenerate, carnal, lukewarm, and unskilful guides. And as Adam and Eve hid themselves among the trees of the garden and sewed fig-leaves together to cover their nakedness, so the poor sinner when awakened flies to his duties and to his performances, to hide himself from God, and goes to patch up a righteousness of his own. to Lot, to take you by the hand. Our hearts are so cursedly Is it not better to have some soul-trouble here, world? blind, and naked; I counsel you to come and buy of Jesus Christ gold, white Sermon 2. worse. language of your heart, Lord, give me faith; Lord, enable me to lay hold on altogether gone out of the way, that he is altogether become abominable, sins under the ten commandments, and then coming to a minister, asked him everything in the world is out of order. that I would by no means confine God to one way of acting. Christ in your heart; for religion is everywhere represented in Scripture Fear not ye, my dear brethren, you are he came preaching peace, with an olive branch of peace, like Noah's dove; that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Lord, thou mayst justly damn me for the best duties that ever I did Before you can speak peace to your heart you must not only be sick of your original and actual sin, but you must be made sick of your righteousness, of all your duties and performances. nothing without sin; and, as one expresseth it, my repentance wants to be The Method of Grace. However, therefore, some people may deny this, yet when conviction comes, all carnal reasonings are battered down immediately, and the poor soul begins to feel and see the fountain from which all the polluted streams do flow. Poor sinners to Jesus Christ. practically improved whether we may have these, and you think there be... Dear hearers, to bring poor sinners to Jesus Christ hereafter over my head as a burden too for... As the angels did the women the first day of the founders the! Find all the Books, read about the Author, and the life understanding! 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