[12], Group (cognitive) inertia, how a subset of individuals view and process an issue, can have detrimental effects on how emergent and existing issues are handled. Synonyms for Sleep inertia in Free Thesaurus. [28], Scenario planning has been one suggestion to combat cognitive inertia when it comes to making strategic decisions to improve business. Synonyms for sluggishness in Free Thesaurus. [37], Before taking part in an electronic brainstorming session participants were primed with pictures that motivated achievement to combat cognitive inertia. By examining the psychology underlying inertia, this research informs managers about whether to engage inertial consumers proactively. The lack of deliberative processing of existing problems and levels of commitment in the relationship can lead to increased stress, arguments, dissatisfaction and divorce. [8][10] However, the participants' opinions did not immediately shift toward the information presented in the messages. Interest in the phenomenon was largely taken up by economic and industrial psychologists to explain resistance to change in brand loyalty, group brainstorming and business strategies. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? [43] Internet-based brainstorming groups have been found to produce more ideas of high-quality because it overcomes the problem of speaking up and fear of idea rejection. Or you have had issues with your bank that took ages to get sorted. In contrast, cognitive shifting is a very similar executive function, but it involves conscious change in attention. where p(a) and p(b) refer to the initial opinions, before the communication induced changes. [24] This cognitive inertia at the individual and corporate level has been proposed as reasons to why companies do not adopt new strategies to combat ever increasing decline in the business or take advantage of potential. Another way to say Inertia? Discomforted by the inconsistency of the related information from the messages and their initial ratings on the topics, McGuire believed the participants would be motivated to shift their probability ratings to be more consistent with the factual messages. Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) Primer Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), also known as frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), or less commonly, Pick's disease, is the most common causes of dementia in adults younger than 60 years. When asked how they would feel about a classmate marrying their mother or father undergraduate many students said they would be unable to view their classmate in the role of step-father/mother. Opposite of a period or state of inactivity. [3], In the beginning of the twentieth century, two of the earliest experimental psychologists, Müller and Pilzecker, defined perseveration of thought to be "the tendency of ideas, after once having entered consciousness, to rise freely again in consciousness". Δ Automatic-Effortful Processing and Cognitive Inertia in Persons with Mental Retardation. General Mills' continued operation of mills long after they were no longer necessary is an example of when companies refuse to change the mindset of how the company should operate. [39], In an extensive online study participant opinions were acquired after two readings about various political issues to assess the role of cognitive inertia. Individuals come up with different strategies and outline how the scenario could play out taking into account different ways it could go. Instead, a shift towards consistency of thought on the information from the messages and topics grew stronger as time passed, often referred to as "seepage" of information. Yet despite significant press coverage of the flu's approach, this was the norm in the uninfected areas with regard to the Spanish flu throughout September. Yet despite significant press coverage of the flu's approach, this was the norm in the uninfected areas with regard to the Spanish flu throughout September. noun. In the clinical setting cognitive inertia has been used as a diagnostic tool for neurodegenerative diseases, depression and anxiety. apathy, languor, lassitude, The study concluded that practice developed automatized reading suppression responses which held greater cognitive inertia for longer periods among MR subjects. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. 4 Inertia Though much of his science was later shown to have errors, Descartes invented the idea of inertia -- the principle of physics that discusses motion and resistance. See more. This mindset emerges from dual sources, and … The Dictionary.com Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. Commonly confused with belief perseverance, cognitive inertia is the perseverance of how one interprets information, not the perseverance of the belief itself. dunning-kruger effect. [6], In a review paper that outlined strategies that are effective for combating depression, the Socratic method was suggested to overcome cognitive inertia. (ˌɪˈnɝːʃə) A disposition to remain inactive or inert. Δ Despite the evidence provided by scientific discovery, there are still those – including nations – who deny its incidence in favor of existing patterns of development. The messages were presented as factual and were targeted to change the participants' belief in how probable the topics were. In the proposed conceptual model, an inertia mindset orients a customer toward status quo consumption. b. {\displaystyle \Delta } For . Cognitive inertia is the principle of any entity that is resistant to change. The individual's own cognitive and emotional biases are commonly used to justify a thought, belief or behavior. [1], In nosological literature relating to the symptom or disorder of apathy, clinicians have used cognitive inertia as one of the three main criteria for diagnosis. Find 157 ways to say COGNITIVE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Opposite of the state of not moving or acting, or an unwillingness to do so. {\displaystyle \Delta } iners idle. [41] The persistence of the idea of the nuclear family has been proposed as a socio-cognitive inertia. p(a) p(b) + Opposite of the property of being torpid. inertness, especially with regard to effort, motion, action, and the like; inactivity; sluggishness. {\displaystyle \Delta } Individuals with high levels of rumination test low on scales of cognitive flexibility and have trouble shifting how they think about a problem or issue even when presented with facts that counter their thinking process. Read more. Opposite of a state of low spirits. cognition help to explain organizational inertia in the face of radical technological change. [15], In the more modern period, there is an emerging position that anthropogenic climate change denial is a kind of cognitive inertia. Synonyms. A week later they came back to read messages that related to the topics they had given their opinions on. This formula was used by McGuire to show that the effect of a persuasive message on a related, but unmentioned, topic (d) took time to sink in. After decades of economic decline the United Kingdom's referendum to leave to EU was seen as an example of the dramatic movement after a long period of governmental inertia. This mindset emerges from dual sources, and … Cognitive inertia Cognitive inertia refers to the tendency for beliefs or sets of beliefs to endure once formed. doublethink. Δ Inertia In*er"ti*a (? At the time most U.S. citizens were familiar with the seasonal flu and viewed it as an irritation that was often easy to treat, infected few and passed quickly with few complications and hardly ever a death. inertia synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'inert',inebriate',inebriated',inebriation', definition. Antonyms for inertia. After being assigned to read more information on the issue that either confirmed or disconfirmed their initial opinion the majority of participants' opinions did not change. In the example – you are the physical object stationary on the couch, and getting up would mean changing your velocity. These satisfaction surveys can lack the information businesses need to improve a service or product that will allow them to survive against the competition. In business terms, cognitive inertia refers to the psychological reluctance to alter or amend industry practices, accustomed habits, corporate routines, business goals, or staff procedures, despite their declinations or inaccuracies. We examine how managerial cognitive p(a) p(b). [42], The phenomenon of cognitive inertia in brainstorming groups has been argued to be due to other psychological effects such as fear of disagreeing with an authority figure in the group, fear of new ideas being rejected and the majority of speech being attributed to the minority of group members. [7][3] Furthermore, McGuire proposed if an individual's belief in the probability (p) of the supporting issues (a or b) was changed, then not only would the issue (c) explicitly stated change, but a related implicit issue (d) could be changed as well. Δ [4] These early ideas of perseveration were the precursor to how the term cognitive inertia would be used to study certain symptoms in patients with neurodegenerative disorders, rumination and depression. Just add these words to your vocab. Understand inertia meaning and enrich your vocabulary In the single dialogue version the business students all listed their ideas and created a dialogue around the list, whereas in the multi-dialogue version ideas were placed in subgroups that individuals could choose to enter and talk about and then freely move to another subgroup. Brainstorming Change Management Lewin's Three-Stage Model of Change Related terms and methods: Behavioral psychology; Brainstorming; Cognitive inertia is the reason that changing our habits can be difficult. This lag in changing how they think about the company can lead to rigidity in company identity, like Polaroid, conflict in adapting when the sales plummet and resource rigidity. Cognitive inertia is the tendency for a particular orientation in how an individual thinks about an issue, belief or strategy to resist change. Synonyms for Inertia (other words and phrases for Inertia). This is the British English definition of inertia.View American English definition of inertia.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Inertia might secure consumers’ continued patronage, but it also can stunt potential expansion. Antonyms for Sleep inertia. As a clinical diagnostic criterion, Thant and Yager described it as "impaired abilities to elaborate and sustain goals and plans of actions, to shift mental sets, and to use working memory". Müller described perseveration by illustrating his own inability to inhibit old cognitive strategies with a syllable switching task, while his wife easily switched from one strategy to the next. Patients with lesions to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex have shown reduced motivation to change cognitive strategies and how they view situations, similar to individuals who experience apathy and cognitive inertia after severe or long-term trauma. [32], An inability to change how one thinks about a situation has been implicated as one of the causes of depression. d. Rosie repeats the spelling of each word several times the night before her spelling test. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. By examining the psychology underlying inertia, this research informs managers about whether to engage inertial consumers proactively. When asked about the information in the second reading those who did not change their opinion evaluated the information that supported their initial opinion as stronger than information that disconfirmed their initial opinion. activeness activity action strength active. 8 Impressive Words To Use To Sound Like A Boss, According to Yagley, the Supersport-35 has a moment of, Moving the weight away from the center of gravity gives the club a higher moment of, Those included observations of the sample collection chamber using onboard cameras, as well as a spin maneuver scheduled for Saturday that would approximate the sample’s mass through moment-of-, But for the most part even industry and endowment were powerless against the, DEEP DIVE: HOW THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS ACCELERATED THE ALREADY CRESTING CTV SEA CHANGE, COBRA 3D-PRINTED ITS LIMITED-EDITION PUTTER WITH STAINLESS STEEL, OSIRIS-REX COLLECTED TOO MUCH ASTEROID MATERIAL AND NOW SOME IS FLOATING AWAY, STILL NO ANSWERS TO LAWMAKERS’ QUESTIONS ABOUT CHILDREN STUCK IN PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS, ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 11TH EDITION, VOLUME 4, PART 3, THE SEVEN CARDINAL SINS: ENVY AND INDOLENCE. Another word for inertia: inactivity, apathy, lethargy, passivity, stillness | Collins English Thesaurus Cognitive is a technical word used to describe anything related to thoughts. Cognitive inertia is the tendency for a particular orientation in how an individual thinks about an issue, belief or strategy to resist change. [19] The inability to change an institutional mindset is supported by the theory of punctuated equilibrium, long periods of deleterious governmental policies punctuated by moments of civil unrest. Inertia might secure consumers’ continued patronage, but it also can stunt potential expansion. [7][8][9] McGuire used the term cognitive inertia to account for an initial resistance to change how an idea was processed after new information, that conflicted with the idea, had been acquired. Unless the product or service is extremely negative or positive cognitive inertia related to how the customer feels about the company will not be inhibited, even when the product or service is substandard. The majority of participants were able to use the correct information to update their cognitive understanding of geographical locations and place the new locations closer to their correct latitudinal location, which supported the idea that new knowledge not only affects the direct information but also related information. [7], The model was based on probability to account for the idea that individuals do not necessarily assume every issue is 100% likely to happen, but instead there is a likelihood of an issue occurring and the individual's opinion on that likelihood will rest on the likelihood of other interrelated issues. Inertia definition: If you have a feeling of inertia , you feel very lazy and unwilling to move or be active... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Cognitive inertia is seen not just as a malfunction in updating how information is being processed but that the assumptions about the world and how it works can impede cognitive flexibility. p(c) = ... inertia and human chauvinism. The term comes from the Latin noun cognitio ('examination,' 'learning,' or 'knowledge'), derived from the verb cognosco, a compound of con ('with') and gnōscō ('know'). Synonyms for inertia in Free Thesaurus. The idea of cognitive inertia has its roots in philosophical epistemology. Understanding proc-esses of organizational change thus requires examining not only the central inertial forces associated with developing new capabilities, but also the impact that cognition has on such proc-esses. compartmentalization. In clinical and neuroscientific literature it is often defined as a lack of motivation to generate distinct cognitive processes needed to attend to a problem or issue. Some students went so far as to say that the hypothetical relationship felt like incest. See Inert.]. [27], A review of 27 firms integrating the use of big data analytics found cognitive inertia to hamper the widespread implementation, with managers from sectors that did not focus on digital technology seeing the change as unnecessary and cost prohibitive. It is characterized by uninhibited behavior, hyperorality, lack of empathy, impaired executive function, and lack of sympathy. [29], In a recent review of company archetypes that lead to corporate failure, Habersang, Küberling, Reihlen, and Seckler defined "the laggard" as one who rests on the laurels of the company, believing past success and recognition will shield them from failure. Cognitive inertia is the reason that changing our habits can be difficult. [34] Parkinson's patients whose apathy was measured using the cognitive inertia dimension showed less executive function control than Parkinson's patients without apathy, possibly suggesting more damage to the frontal cortex. {\displaystyle \Delta } What is Cognitive inertia Cognitive inertia is the tendency to remain with previously formulated opinion, belief, or choice of something. Cognitive inertia has been causally implicated in disregard of impending threat to one's health or environment, enduring political values and deficits in task switching. noun. Consider your bank, for example. {\displaystyle \Delta } To assess a service, product or likelihood of customer retention many companies will invite their customers to complete satisfaction surveys immediately after the purchase of a product or service. Cognitive Therapy Skills involve responding to and modifying our thoughts—to helpus cope betterinour daily livesandfeel lessanxious. [20], Role inertia has also been implicated in marriage and likelihood of divorce. [34] Cognitive inertia in neurodegenerative patients has also been associated with a decrease in the connection of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal area with subcortical areas including the anterior cingulate cortex and basal ganglia. Antonyms for sluggishness. In the example – you are the physical object stationary on the couch, and getting up would mean changing your velocity. This idea trajectory actually inhibits the creation of new ideas that was central to the initial formation of the group. Delayed response on the implicit associations task (IAT) and Stroop task have been related to an inability to combat cognitive inertia, as participants struggle to switch from one cognitive rule to the next to get the questions right. American Journal on Mental Retardation, v93 n4 p412-23 Jan 1989. Sleep inertia costs you. In the achievement primed condition subjects were able to produce more novel high quality ideas and had more use of right frontal cortical areas which were related to decision making and creativity. [26], The tendency for a particular orientation in how an individual thinks about an issue, belief or strategy to endure or resist change, "An Additional Future for Psychological Science", "Waiting for the Flu: Cognitive Inertia and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19", "A Process Perspective on Organizational Failure: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis", 10.1002/1097-0266(200010/11)21:10/11<1147::AID-SMJ128>3.0.CO;2-R, 10.1002/1099-1360(199911)8:6<311::aid-mcda256>3.0.co;2-t, "Cognitive shifts within leader and follower teams: Where consensus develops in mental models during an organizational crisis", "Resistance to Position Change, Motivated Reasoning, and Polarization", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cognitive_inertia&oldid=1004210718, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 15:28. [12][13] Utilizing a syllogistic framework, McGuire proposed that if three issues (a, b and c) were so interrelated that an individual's opinion were in complete support of issues a and b then it would follow their opinion on issue c would be supported as a logical conclusion. What information the individual attends to is based on prior experience and knowledge of the world. Or you have had issues with your bank that took ages to get sorted. Management strongly held that consumers wanted high quality physical copies of their photos and that was where the company would make their money. Despite the changing trends in family structure including multi-generational, single-parent, blended and same-sex parent families, the normative idea of a family has centered around the mid-twentieth century idea of a nuclear family (i.e. Perhaps you know that there are better options at other banks. [13], Governmental organizations can often be resistant or glacially slow to change along with social and technological transformation. Immediately after reading the messages, and one week later, the participants were again assessed on how probable they believed the topics to be. We focus on cognition at the level of the senior management team given the critical influence of top management teams on strategic decision making (Mintzberg, 1979; Hambrick and Mason, 1984). Stepping into a leadership role may sound daunting, but sounding like a leader doesn't have to be hard. However, there was a small effect of cognitive inertia as some areas were unaffected by the correct information, which the researchers suggested was due to a lack of knowledge linkage in the correct information and new locations presented. Together, these two functions are subcategories of the broader cognitive flexibility concept. Opposite of ease. denial. [5] Additionally, more damage to the basal ganglia in Parkinson's, Huntington's and other neurodegenerative disorders have been found with patients exhibiting cognitive inertia in relation to apathy when compared to those who do not exhibit apathy. [34][35][36], Cognitive inertia has been linked to decreased use of executive function, primarily in the prefrontal cortex, which aids in flexibility of cognitive processes when switching tasks. word/cognition) shows that the word “cognition” has its origins in classical . [38], Cognitive inertia is commonly used as one of the key dimensions of clinical apathy, described as a lack of motivation to elaborate plans for goal-directed behavior or automated processing. ) on c necessary for maintaining logical consistency among the opinions is, Δ The word inertia comes from Physics. [17], The persistence of political group membership and ideology is suggested to be due to the inertia of how the individual has perceived the grouping of ideas over time. The persistence in how the participants viewed the incoming information was based on their motivation to be correct in their initial opinion, not the persistence of an existing cognitive perspective. The multi-dialogue approach was able to combat cognitive inertia by allowing different ideas to simultaneously be generated in sub-groups and each time an individual switched to a different sub-group they had to change how they were processing the ideas which lead to more novel and high-quality ideas. ), n. [L., idleness, fr. In doing so, Socrates reveals the detractor's fallacy of thought inducing the detractor to change their mind or face the reality that their thought processes are in contradiction. 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